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      1. 深圳貝賽思國際學校



        時間:2023-02-22 11:01來源:深圳貝賽思國際學校

        Program Information & Vision 項目介紹 & 愿景

        BASIS Global and Ascend International Education Group have jointly set up the Global Excellence Student Scholarship Program with the purpose of giving back to the society and cultivating high-performing students to become future leaders. The program was first launched in the 2018-19 school year at BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour. From inception to the next 20 years, this long-term and stable program will be open to all students applying for Grade 9 in BASIS International School Shenzhen, BASIS Bilingual School Shenzhen, BASIS International School Guangzhou, BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour, BASIS International School Hangzhou, BASIS International School Nanjing, BASIS International School Sichuan, BASIS Bilingual School Chengdu, BASIS International School Wuhan and BASIS Bilingual School Wuhan. Applicants should demonstrate exceptional ability in core subjects and strong leadership skills, committed to benefitting others and the society with prominent academic achievements.

        為回饋社會、培養(yǎng)具有社會領(lǐng)導意識的學生,2018-19學年,BASIS Global攜手愛圣國際教育集團,首次于華潤小徑灣貝賽思國際學校設(shè)立全球卓越學生獎學金項目,吸引眾多申請者,隨后逐步推廣至更多校區(qū)。此項目是一個長期、穩(wěn)定的獎學金項目:從設(shè)立的起始學年至往后的20年里,項目將不間斷地向申請中國?貝賽思國際/雙語學校深圳、廣州、華潤小徑灣、杭州、南京、成都、武漢校區(qū)9年級的學生開放。申請者需具有優(yōu)異的核心學科學習能力,同時具備社會領(lǐng)袖意識,致力于以卓越的學術(shù)成就篤志躬行、回饋社會。

        The program offers full and half scholarship. For students who have received full scholarships and met the requirements for four consecutive years after admissions, the school will waive their four-year high school tuition. Boarding students will also be exempted from their four-year boarding fees. The total amount of a full scholarship is over RMB 1 million. For students who have received half scholarship and have met the requirements for four consecutive years after admissions, the school will waive half of their four-year high school tuition. The boarding fees will also be discounted by half if the student is in the boarding program.


        Over the past four years, there have been dozens of students who set themselves apart from other applicants to be successfully enrolled in our school with a full or half scholarship. Taught to the highest academic standards, they developed phenomenal academic performance with a strong sense of social responsibility. They are active participants in various international competitions, practicing the educational philosophy of taking up challenges to achieve excellence.


        The program aligns with the mission of BASIS International Schools?China- We provide our students with a transformative early childhood and K-12 education. With the cutting edge BASIS Curriculum, through exceptional teaching and faculty mentoring, we will produce graduates who have the broad intellectual and international perspectives, critical thinking capabilities and creative problem-solving skills to be leaders in their future world.


        Scholarship 獎學金設(shè)置

        BASIS International School Shenzhen, BASIS International School Guangzhou, BASIS International School Hangzhou, BASIS International School Nanjing: four-year upper school scholarship offered in total = tuition per school year x 4 = 1,026,800 RMB. (Parents are responsible for the additional fees. Boarding students will also be exempted from 4 years of boarding fees.)

        中國?貝賽思國際學校深圳蛇口、廣州、杭州、南京校區(qū):高中四年獎學金總額 = 每學年學費 x 4 = 1,026,800元(其他學雜費由家長為學生繳納;如獎學金獲得者為住宿生,則住宿費用也可減免。)

        *以上計費以2022-2023學年費用為標準 The figures above are based on the 2022-2023 school year tuition and fees.

        BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour: four-year upper school scholarship offered in total = (tuition per school year + boarding fee per school year) x 4 = 1,052,400 RMB. (Parents are responsible for the additional fees.)

        中國?貝賽思國際學校華潤小徑灣校區(qū):高中四年獎學金總額 = (每學年學費+每學年住宿費)x 4 = 1,052,400元 (其他學雜費由家長為學生繳納。)

        *以上計費以2022-2023學年費用為標準 The figures above are based on the 2022-2023 school year tuition and fees.

        BASIS International School Sichuan: four-year upper school scholarship offered in total = tuition per school year x 4 = 1,078,000 RMB, (Parents are responsible for the additional fees. Boarding students will also be exempted from 4 years of boarding fees.)

        中國?貝賽思國際學校成都校區(qū):高中四年獎學金總額 = 每學年學費 x 4 = 1,078,000元(其他學雜費由家長為學生繳納;如獎學金獲得者為住宿生,則住宿費用也可減免。)

        *以上計費以2022-2023學年費用為標準 The figures above are based on the 2022-2023 school year tuition and fees.

        BASIS Bilingual School Shenzhen and BASIS Bilingual School Chengdu: four-year scholarship offered in total = 256,700 (G9 tuition per year) + 269,500 (G10-12 tuition per year) x 3 = 1,065,200 RMB(Parents are responsible for the additional fees. Boarding students will also be exempted from 4 years of boarding fees if a boarding program is provided by the school).

        中國?貝賽思雙語學校深圳福田、成都校區(qū):9-12年級獎學金總額:256,700(9年級學費)+ 269,500(10-12年級學費)x 3 = 1,065,200元(其他學雜費由家長為學生繳納;若所申請校區(qū)為可提供住宿校區(qū)且學生為住宿生,則住宿費用也可減免。)

        *以上計費以2022-2023學年費用為標準 The figures above are based on the 2022-2023 school year tuition and fees.

        Scholarship Application 申請流程

        First Round: Material Submission 第一輪:資料審核

        Applicants will be asked to submit the following materials to:


        1. 2023-2024 Global Excellence Student

        Scholarship Program Application Form

        2023-2024 全球卓越獎學金項目申請表

        2. Standardized Test Results


        TOEFL- Score at the 105 range or higher or Duolinguo - Score at the 135 range or higher (mandatory)

        托福- 105分及以上或多鄰國 - 135分及以上(必須提交并且達到相應分數(shù))

        SSAT- Score at the 2250 range or higher (optional)

        SSAT- 2250分及以上(選擇提交)

        3. Two Letters of Recommendations 兩封教師推薦信

        4. Official Transcripts for the past two years 過往兩年官方成績單

        5. 2-minute self-introduction video 兩分鐘個人介紹視頻

        6. Scholarship Portfolio: The student can

        select a few (not more than 8) activities or items (recordings or samples of work) that they believe best speak to their strengths in the past three years. The student should write 100-150 words explaining the significance of each item.


        Deadline for submissions: December 31st, 2022


        Second Round:Assessments + Student Interview + Parent Interview

        第二輪:多學科筆試** + 學生面試* + 家長面試

        1. Student Interview 學生面試

        2. Parent interview 家長面試

        3. Cognitive Assessment 認知能力評估

        4. Math Assessment 數(shù)學水平測試

        5. Sciences Assessment 科學水平測試

        6. English Essay 英語作文

        7. Speech Preparation 演講準備

        *Projected time: late-January to early-February, 2023


        **Projected time: early-February, 2023


        Third Round: Speech


        Projected date: late February, 2023


        Scholarship results for the first round are projected to be announced at the end of February, 2023.




        免責聲明: 1. 為方便家長更好的閱讀和理解,該頁面關(guān)于學校信息描述可能采用了學校視角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我們”、“我?!钡鹊谝蝗朔Q指代學校本身。并不代表遠播公司或其觀點;2. 此網(wǎng)頁內(nèi)容目的在于提供信息參考,來源于網(wǎng)絡公開內(nèi)容,具體以學校官方發(fā)布為主;3. 若素材有侵權(quán)或其他問題,請聯(lián)系我們:2787266480@qq.com



















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