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      1. 上海長寧國際學校



        時間:2016-12-14 09:43來源:上海長寧國際學校

          上海長寧國際學校招生簡章英文。上海長寧國際學校國際精品課程介紹:學校(SCIS)的課程是國際化的。開設(shè)幼兒園至十二年級的課程。教材主要采用美國的,但也包括其他國家的教材。我們的綜合性教學項目除了對學術(shù)、社交、情感和道德的教育之外更強調(diào)幫助兒童 發(fā)展成為對他們所處的這個世界有責任感的、有信心的貢獻者。
          Why Choose SCIS-HIS?

          In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.  We believe in our families.  The way we challenge the status quo is by offering a truly international education, in a community environment, while getting high results.  Why choose SCIS-HIS?  Why not choose SCIS-HIS.

          SCIS-HIS is……

          Truly International

          We have both breadth and depth of international families in our community.  Breadth-wise, we have over 63 nationalities represented in our schools.  Depth-wise, our student population is roughly 1/3 Americas, 1/3 Europe and Africa, and 1/3 Asia and Australasia.

          Equally important, everything about our school is international.  Our curriculum is international, our activity offerings are international in scope, and our alumni are international.


          Since the beginning of our school, we have always had a strong reputation for creating a family-friendly community atmosphere.  Yes, we offer a rigorous academic program.  Yes, we are competitive in sports.  And yes, we push for excellence in all areas.  However, we do those things in the spirit of cooperation, teamwork, and unity.  We have the opposite of bullying; we have a culture of encouragement and inclusion.

          Academic Excellence

          The most obvious place to see academic excellence shine through is in our Grade 12 seniors every year.  Look at their test results.  Look at the kinds of universities they go to.  And look at how well-spoken they are.


          The fourth international school in Shanghai.  And the first truly international one.  SCIS-HIS have been Tier 1 school’s not only in Shanghai but in all of Asia for years.  Read more about our rich history here.

          Health and Safety

          There are few things we take as seriously as the health and safety of our students.  This is continually a top priority in everyone’s minds on a day to day basis and on a capital investment basis.  Did you know that we have fully outfitted licensed nursing clinics on every campus staffed by WorldPath?  Did you know that we spent $1.5 million USD in the winter of 2014 to completely retrofit all of our school’s with centralized air filtration systems guaranteed to keep the pollution level between 1-50 on the USA Index Scale?  Did you know that we order all of our children’s Jungle Gym’s and play equipment from Denmark, knowing full well we will have to wait for months of China Customs checks and pay an additional import tax, just to ensure that they are sturdy, chemical free, and of the best possible quality?  Did you know that we have security guards and extra bus monitors just to watch over your child?  There just isn’t any bigger priority to us than the health and safety of our students.

          Comprehensive Programs

          We develop the whole child and help each one develop into responsible, confident contributors to the world around them by stressing - in addition to academics - the social, emotional, and ethical growth. SCIS-HIS provides opportunities for students to participate in special interest activities, community building, the arts, and athletics, both during the school day and in our after-school activity programs. Support services are offered for students who are English language learners.(A ratio of 80% fluent English speakers and 20% ESOL students is maintained within the schools.) A dedicated college guidance counselor assists our Upper School students with pursuing university entrance after graduation from SCIS-HIS.

          Positive, Welcoming Atmosphere - Parents as Partners

          It is often said that our schools have the best school spirit and the most positive community support in the city. Parents are actively involved in joining with staff and students to create a strong learning environment. On each campus, active parent groups (Parents and Friends Association, PAFA) organize volunteer opportunities as well as community events. These activities enrich the students’ lives, support and improve the school environment, and contribute to the fun feel of an involved international community.

          Cultural Opportunities and Community Involvement

          We are fortunate to have families from all over the world; cultural diversity offers valuable experiences for our students in the classroom. We offer an international curriculum based on international school research and best practices. We provide students the opportunity and the flexibility to go above and beyond other national curriculums.  In order to increase our students’ involvement in the community, each grade level helps to sponsor at least one community outreach program.  Class trips occur regularly throughout the year and our upper school students have yearly trips planned outside of Shanghai.  These and other initiatives aim to show students that they are in a unique position to understand the world around them – one that they would not be able to experience back in their ‘home’ country.

          If you are interested for your child to pursue a challenging academic program within a nurturing environment, then SCIS-HIS might be the place for you. We wish you well on your search for the right international school for your child.



        免責聲明: 1. 為方便家長更好的閱讀和理解,該頁面關(guān)于學校信息描述可能采用了學校視角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我們”、“我?!钡鹊谝蝗朔Q指代學校本身。并不代表遠播公司或其觀點;2. 此網(wǎng)頁內(nèi)容目的在于提供信息參考,來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)公開內(nèi)容,具體以學校官方發(fā)布為主;3. 若素材有侵權(quán)或其他問題,請聯(lián)系我們:2787266480@qq.com






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